
Self-acceptance is an action; it is something we do, not just something we feel. Try these 10 ways to practice acceptance.

1. Your body. Stand naked before a full-length mirror and notice your feelings. If you never would do something like that, notice and accept that, too. 

2. Difficult emotions. When anger, fear or jealousy arises, focus on it. Breathe into it and notice how the feelings begin to subside.

3. Resistance. If you are resisting—tightening your muscles, holding your breath—allow that to be okay. Take a deep breath.

4. Imperfections. Fill in the blank: “I don’t want to be ________, but I am and I am willing to grow.” 

5. Actions. What past action do you regret? Without judging others or yourself, write about it. If appropriate, make amends.

6. Life conditions. Describe an area of your life that you wish were different and allow your feelings to arise. Explore alternatives through writing or with someone you trust.

7. Opinions. Write about a current situation about which you have strong feelings. It’s okay to disagree with friends, family and organizations.

8. Uniqueness. Fill this in: “Some people don’t appreciate that I am ________, but I am and nothing is wrong with me.” 

9. Your bright side. Write about your joy, beauty, brilliance, vision. 

10. Your dreams. Without regard to practicality, write about what you really want in your life.

Your Healing Begins Here…

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Author’s content used under license, © Claire Communications

Categories:: Anxiety, Depression, Trauma/PTSD